ZNFO (Zeta Nu inFOrmation)

Click To Request To Join ZNFO

ZNFO is a moderated e-mail discussion group hosted by Yahoo! Groups. The administrator is the ZNLA Secretary (secretary@znla.org).

ZNFO has approximately 250 alumni members, which is about 1/3 of all Zeta Nu Alumni and Active members. The group has been serving alumni since May of 2000!

There is the alumni newsletter “Spirit and Zeal” sent out in the Fall by the ZNLA and the active membership newsletter “Zeta Nus” sent out in the spring every year to keep all members up to date. However, ZNFO allows alumni and active members to communicate year round and keep up to date with the current state of Zeta Nu.

Requirements To Join

  1. Must be an Active or Alumni Member that is in good standing with Zeta Nu
  2. Must have a Yahoo!, Facebook, or Google+ account to join the Yahoo! group
  3. After sending in a request to join, your information will be reviewed to confirm your membership in the Brotherhood. A challenge question may be asked before group membership is granted.


  1. After joining be sure to edit your membership settings, especially if you would like to use a non-Yahoo! email address.
  2. Click For Step By Step Guide

  3. In your membership settings, you can have the group messages sent to any email address that you would like
  4. Also in your membership settings, you can choose to receive each group message individually, or a “digest” daily version which contains all the days group messages

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